Sunday, June 18, 2023

Staying Safe and Healthy with Yummy Food during Summer Break!

 Staying Safe and Healthy with Yummy Food during Summer Break!


Hey there, awesome EXCELLENCE JUNIOR students! It's finally time for our well-deserved summer holidays after a whole year of hard work at school. We can now relax, play, and have lots of fun! During this exciting time, we often find ourselves enjoying tasty food, whether it's at the beach or on the streets. But wait, it's important to know how to keep ourselves safe while enjoying these delicious treats. Let's explore some tips to ensure we have a healthy and enjoyable summer break!

Paragraph 1: Why We Deserve Summer Holidays

After working so hard at school, summer holidays are like a reward for all our efforts. It's a time when we can take a break from studying, homework, and exams. We can sleep a little longer, explore new places, and spend quality time with our family and friends. Summer holidays give us the chance to recharge our batteries and return to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn!

Paragraph 2: Fun Activities to Relax

Summer holidays are the perfect time to relax and enjoy ourselves. We can engage in various activities that make us happy and help us unwind. We can go swimming in the pool, play outdoor games like tag or hide-and-seek, go for bike rides, have picnics in the park, or even read our favorite books. Remember, relaxation is essential to recharge our minds and bodies.

Paragraph 3: Yummy Food for Beach and Street Adventures

When we head to the beach or explore the streets during summer, we often come across delicious food stalls and vendors selling mouthwatering treats. We might be tempted to try new and exciting snacks like ice cream, popsicles, cotton candy, or tasty street food like hot dogs, burgers, or fries. It's okay to enjoy these treats, but we must also be aware of some potential risks.

Paragraph 4: The Dangers of Bad Street Food

Although street food can be incredibly tempting and delicious, we need to be cautious. Sometimes, street food may not be prepared and stored properly, which can lead to food poisoning or other illnesses. The ingredients used might not be fresh, or the vendor's cooking area might not be clean. Consuming contaminated food can make us sick and spoil our summer holidays.

Paragraph 5: Precautions to Stay Healthy

To enjoy our summer holidays without any tummy troubles, let's follow some simple precautions:

1. Choose Reliable Food Vendors: Look for food stalls or vendors that have good hygiene practices. Cleanliness is essential!

2. Check for Freshness: If the food doesn't look or smell fresh, it's better to avoid it. Fresh ingredients are key!

3. Wash Your Hands: Always wash your hands with soap and water before eating. It helps to get rid of germs!

4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water or healthy beverages to stay hydrated under the sun.

5. Carry Healthy Snacks: Pack some homemade snacks or fruits to enjoy during your outings. They're safe and nutritious!


Summer holidays are a time to relax, have fun, and enjoy delicious food. By being mindful of what we eat and taking necessary precautions, we can ensure that we stay healthy and avoid any unpleasant stomachaches. So, my awesome EXCELLENCE JUNIOR friends, let's make the most of our summer break, savor the yummy food responsibly, and have a blast under the sun!

Sure! Here's a multiple-choice quiz based on the text:

1. Why do we deserve summer holidays?

a) To spend time with our friends

b) To relax and have fun after a long school year

c) To study more and improve our grades

2. What are some activities we can do to relax during summer holidays?

a) Play outdoor games like fooftball or basketball

b) Read our favorite books

c) Prepare for an exam

3. What kind of food can we enjoy on the beach or in the street during summer?

a) Ice cream, popsicles, and cotton candy

b) Hot dogs, burgers, and fries

c) Both a) and b)

4. What are the dangers of bad street food?

a) It can make us sick or cause food poisoning

b) It can be expensive

c) It can be hard to find

5. What precautions can we take to avoid getting sick from street food?

a) Choose reliable food vendors and check for freshness

b) Wash our hands before eating

c) All of the above

6. What should we do if the food doesn't look or smell fresh?

a) Still eat it because it might taste good

b) Avoid it and look for something else

c) Ask the vendor to cook it again

7. Why is it important to stay hydrated during summer?

a) To keep our energy levels up

b) To avoid dehydration

c) Both a) and b)

8. What should we carry with us when going out to avoid unhealthy snacks?

a) Homemade snacks or fruits

b) Money to buy snacks from any vendor

c) Nothing, we should eat whatever we find

Reading comprehension game


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